Monday, March 28, 2005

Politically talking

Why is it when a group of people gather politics is discussed....

sometimes an event or gathering politics should be tabled ! Especially if you are not sure of the others views. Unintentionally you can offend others, whether in difference of opinion or inappropiate time to discuss.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Kobe Bryant's accuser...

I am not a fan of basketball - I consider most of the players overpaid, illiterate , whiny punks! So when Kobe Bryant was accused of rape I did not really bat an eye until I read transcripts and followed the accuser's actions. Her actions were not those of a typical rape victim - but hey everyone reacts differently. BUT when she shows up married & 7 months pregnant to "settle" w/ Bryant is way off base!!! Trust me I know, I have been a victim of rape. Dating is so far from your mind much less having sex & a baby!!!

I had a friend once wrongly accused of rape, he spent months and money clearing his name. I was one of his character witness, also I was alibi for the night in question, along w/ 5 other people. It took him years to erase all traces to the public eye. A good friend of mine who was a lawyer filed slander, libel and character defamation charges against the woman. He won! He gave the money to a local charity. She cried rape because he did not want to go out with her, he rejected her.

What I am getting at is I do not believe she was raped. I believe she consented, bragged about, was called a whore or slut by her "friends" so changed her story to "he attacked me". No I do not feel sorry for Bryant he did have sex outside his marriage - so karma bit him in the behind. Mrs. Bryant is very smart woman, standing by his side, but never commenting... I'm sure Kobe will think twice before even thinking about another tryst. and his accuser was named publicly, she has suffered, everyone says, but she has not she just took an NBA star for $$$$, she got away w/ a nearly perfect crime.